Si vous avez un smartphone Android (4.0) avec un bureau d’accueil (launcher) modifié par le fabricant du téléphone (comme Samsung, HTC, ..) et que vous voulez retrouvez l'interface native. Voici une sélection des 3 meilleurs launchers pour Android 4.0+ (ICS).
#1 Apex Launcher
#3 Trebuchet Launcher
Trebuchet Launcher is the official CM9 Launcher which is still in its early stages of development.
Trebuchet Launcher is not available in Google Play Store and hence you have to manually download and install the Trebuchet APK.
#1 Apex Launcher
Powerful, fast, and highly customizable home replacement for Android 4.0+.
Apex Launcher helps you create a customized homescreen experience on your Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) device.
Highly customizable, performance driven, home screen replacement for Android 4.0+
#3 Trebuchet Launcher
Trebuchet Launcher is not available in Google Play Store and hence you have to manually download and install the Trebuchet APK.